Monday, May 30, 2011

Nice Price on got2b styling products at Walgreens!

Okay, so I'm all about the free stuff! But, this is not a bad deal especially if you pair it with any of the other deals like the Goody's Powder deal (buy 6ct at 1.50, get 1.50 back in RR). In the April ALL YOU magazine (pg. 27) there are 2.00 off coupons. The got2b styling products are mostly priced at 5.99 but they are on sale for BUY ONE GET ONE FREE, meaning you get both for 5.99. Use both manufacturer coupons for 2.00 off since you are buying 2 items, and your total is now 1.99, making each styler only 1.00/0.99! If you were planning to do the Goody's powder deal, do 2 seperate transactions. First, do the Goody's, pay 1.50 (plus tax) and get back 1.50 RR. Then, do the got2b products and a filler item (your choice, I usually grab a 34 cent caramel!) and use both 2.00 coupons plus the 1.50 RR. Pay 0.83 for the stylers! :)   So, you got both stylers, the Goody powder, and a caramel (lol) for only 2.33 TOTAL OUT OF POCKET (TOOP), not including tax. Have fun!

*Note* I usually get one magazine in the mail and I buy a newstand version (b/c the newstand usually has better coupons than the mailed version), so I had 2 of these mags on hand to make this deal. I ALWAYS have made my $$ back plus some just like my newspapers, so I don't mind having 2! Just food for thought! :)Pin It

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